I was a Google Stadia “founder” and when it was shut down on January 18, 2023 I was left with 3 perfectly usable Stadia Controllers; provided I could connect them using a USB-C cable. I quite like the Stadia Controller, the form factor is similar to the PlayStation DualShock but with an Xbox style button layout.
Stadia Controller
While using it via USB-C is great for PC, wireless connectivity would provide more options. Thankfully Google released Bluetooth firmware for the Stadia Controller which disables Stadia’s proprietary Wi-Fi connectivity and enables Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE). You can then use it like a standard wireless Bluetooth controller with other hardware and also still plug your Stadia Controller into a device with a USB-C cable.
The Stadia Controller Device Compatibility List says
“Testing of Bluetooth mode was focused on the devices and systems listed below, but may not work with all hardware configurations.”
Most importantly, it says “computers must have a Bluetooth Low Energy adapter in order to communicate with the Stadia Controller in Bluetooth mode and that hardware compatibility will vary.”
Here’s how I flashed that firmware on all 3 of my controllers using Linux; well Ubuntu 22.04 to be precise. The system requirements for the Bluetooth Firmware tool is stated to be Chrome 108 or newer. No problem! But, I was unable to get the controllers to show up in Chrome until some udev
rules were added. Open a terminal and run the following command from any directory:
{ cat <<EOF
# SDP protocol
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1fc9", MODE="0666"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1fc9", MODE="0666"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0d28", MODE="0666"
# Flashloader
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="15a2", MODE="0666"
# Controller
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9400", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"
} | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-stadiacontroller-flash.rules
Now run the following to reload the udev
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
With that done, I restarted Google Chrome and followed the instructions on the Stadia Controller Firmware Flashing Tool page. I was able to flash the firmware on all 3 of my controllers. The process is pretty straightforward but I’ve included the instructions below for reference.
Make sure that your controller has been charged for 30 minutes and that you’re using a USB data cable.
Charge your controller
If it turns on again, hold the Stadia button for 4 seconds to power it off
Unplug your controller to power it off
The status light should remain off. If it turns on, unplug the controller and try again
Hold the option button (three dots) while plugging in your controller
There won’t be any controller feedback, proceed to the next step to confirm the controller is unlocked
Press the Option, Assistant, A, and Y buttons at the same time
The text in the flashing utility says the Stadia Controller should be named “SP Blank RT Family” or “Stadia Controller” or “USB COMPOSITE DEVICE”.
Select your controller in the Chrome device list again and click "Connect".
You’ve almost finished. Go to the final step to install the latest version of Bluetooth mode on your controller.
Download complete
One more time - select your controller in the Chrome device list, then click “Connect”. Installation will start automatically and should only take a minute.
The text in the flashing utility says the Stadia Controller should be named “USB COMPOSITE DEVICE” or “Stadia Controller” or “SP Blank RT Family”.
Install Bluetooth mode
Wait a minute or so for the firmware installation to complete.
Installation complete
Hold the Y and Stadia buttons for 2 seconds until the status light flashes orange. It is now in pairing mode and visible to other devices.
Pairing Stadia Controller with Bluetooth
After the shutdown in January 2023, you have until December 31, 2023, to update the controller so it can use Bluetooth mode.
Fortunately, the Stadia Controller firmware has been archived and an Unofficial Stadia Controller Flashing utility created which might prove useful after December 31, 2023.
Your mileage may vary using the re-implementation of the Utility for flashing Stadia Controllers, so if you’re doing this before December 31, 2023, use the official tool.
After updating my Stadia Controllers with Bluetooth firmware, I’ve successfully paired them with my Android tablet, iPhone 13 and ChimeraOS; an operating system that provides an out-of-the-box couch gaming experience 🎮️ While Stadia might be dead and gone, I’m very happy to continue to get utility out of the controllers; which turned out to be free after the reimbursement Google offered when Stadia was shut down.