Setting up subSonic music streaming on Debian
Setting up subSonic music streaming on Debian

Last year I removed all my music from Google Play Music and created my own subSonic server. I really like subSonic but don’t use it a huge amount, mostly for syncing some music to my phone prior to going on holiday or business. Therefore, I’ve made a single one time donation to the project rather than the ongoing monthly usage fee.

Installing subSonic on Debian

This is how I install subSonic on Debian Wheezy.

Install Tomcat.

sudo apt-get install tomcat7

Install subSonic.

apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo mkdir /var/subsonic
sudo chown tomcat7: /var/subsonic
sudo wget -c
sudo cp subsonic.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps

Restart Tomcat.

sudo service tomcat7 restart

Login to subSonic by visiting and login with the credentials admin and admin. Make sure you change the password straight away.

Right, that is it. You can stop here and start filling subSonic with your music.

subSonic clients

On the rare occasions that I listen to music via subSonic I use UltraSonic for Android and Clementine on my Arch Linux workstations.
